Something About Me.

Hello. :) My name is Lilly (I really like this name) or LeVia and so, this is my web-page or blog. I´ve made this blog, because I am usually very bored an I´ve not something for doing. At this blog u can see and read a just little about me, because I think that here I should getting no only information about me, more abou my views and my thinking, my knowledge... I hope, that If you will have a problem, you can write to me a message to my e-mail  So, u can go !


Ahoj. :) Volám sa Lilly (mám rada toto meno) alebo LeVia a toto je moja web-ka, či blog. Založila som ho, lebo zvyčajne som znudená a nemám nič na robote. Na tomto blogu môžete vidieť a čítať trochu o mne, pretože si myslím, že je dôležitejšie prenášať informácie o mojich myšlienkach, názoroch a postrehoch ako o mne. Dúfam, že ak budeš mať nejaký problém, môžeš mi napísať na môj e-mail

Tak, môžeš ísť!

I´m sorry if you don´t know English, but I really like English and I have to exercise it. Some of posts will be in English, some in Slovak.

The History Of This Blog

Hello ! I have not write anything for it, because I think I wrote all. But, so, I thank all of people, which led me to this. I really like them. Thanks ! :)

My users.

Hello, my users! This blog is very interesting and I hope, that u will like it (I like it so much :)). Here u can see some of my observations, some of political life, some of history, some of biology, some of music, some of art... If u don´t wanna, u don´t have to read all, but I recommend it for u. So, just last :), I hope, that u will like it.



Ak chceš reklamu, napíš do dikusie "Tuto máte priestor na svoju reklamu". ! Nepíš mi na mail takéto banality.